The Power of Intention Activates Miracles in Your Life
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My brother Norm has been living with a brain a course in miracles for years — and I mean LIVING! Nine years ago he was wracked with an excruciating headache. The doctors discovered that it was from a leaking aneurysm, and rushed him into surgery. After a 7-hour brain surgery, they determined that his aneurysm was inoperable. When he realized that he could die any day, he chose to LIVE every day — he followed his bliss, buying a sailboat and sailing to the Caribbean where he is having wonderful adventures in paradise. He stopped thinking about the aneurysm and lived as if it was gone. A few weeks ago he had an MRI, which showed that the aneurysm has completely calcified and there is no longer a threat of it rupturing! He considers this a personal miracle.
What I see is that he had a powerful intention to live as if he were whole and healed. The seed of intention that is well tended and nourished can flower into coincidences, synchronicities and miracles that heal the body, boggle the mind, and lift the spirit. I’ve created an acronym for the word miracle:
My Intention Radiates Apparently Coincidental Luminous Events
When these “coincidental” luminous events happen to me and the people in my life, it reminds me that there’s more going on than meets the eye, there is an unseen energy that responds to our deepest and most focused desires. Einstein said, “Coincidences are God’s way of remaining anonymous.” For me, they are God’s way of saying, “You are not alone.”
Prayer is another form of intention that reveals our interconnectedness with the powerful forces of the Universe. In my early twenties I was feeling deeply depressed and asked for a sign from God that life was worth living. Just then there was a sound of movement in the room. I looked in the direction of the sound and saw that a tall, thin candle in a wrought iron candle holder on the wall had fallen to one side, pointing to the calligraphed poster next to it that read: GET THY SELF TOGETHER. I smiled to myself and thought, “Is that you God?” The next day as I was writing about it in my journal it happened again! It excited me and made me want to stick around, to live, play and explore in this magical energy field of life.
Another time, several years ago, I was having another “dark night of the soul”, feeling deep despair and praying for guidance. As I was crying and journaling about it, a card that was displayed on the bookshelf beside me fell to the floor. I picked it up and it had a beautiful flower on the cover with the words, “You are so loved.”
I love how, when we’re open to it, just the right words, experiences, and people that we need fall into our life. It is a wonderful synchronicity that my brother has recently shared his healing miracle with me; it inspires me to let go of thoughts of the cancer I recently experienced (knowing that I have made all the healthy life changes I could) and continue to focus on seeing myself whole, healed, and connected to the miraculous forces of the Universe. That’s the image and feeling I want to cultivate, nourish and nurture — that’s the intention I want to radiate out into the Universe.
I believe that the deepest intention of our soul is to be vibrantly present, whole and alive. I have experienced that seeming adversities such as aneurysms, depression and cancer can be valuable and necessary stimulants in bringing about that intention, resulting in the miracle of our full participation and appreciation of life and living our wildest dreams.
Do you have an intention that is bringing forth miracles in your life? Is there adversity in your life that is serving as “miracle grow” to help you flower into more vibrant aliveness and living your dream?