The Christian Church Under Siege – A Sign of the Last Days
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The powers of darkness sought to defeat the Christian mystical teachings at the birth of the baby Jesus, and were defeated. Men, under the inspiration of the power of darkness, have always desired to seize the power of God for use in evil conduct; but they are always defeated, because the Church is the body of God.. Thieves, robbers, murderers, pedophiles, and men with promiscuous motives, are the long-range plan of Satan. This wise saying rings true: “we have in our midst, wolves in sheep’s clothing”. Jesus of Nazareth said that all that ever came before him were thieves and robbers, seeking to lay waste the Christian Church. As the Christian Church, stands upon the palisade of the end of time, I will open my mouth in a proverb, and I will declare what thus says the LORD. | Why is that men want to use the mantle of the Christian Church as the means to rob, steal and misrepresent the doctrine of Christ? Do that think that they are wiser than Jesus, or is that they think that Christian are naive concerning the truth.|The Christian Church Is under attack because false prophets and the powers of darkness, assume that they are wiser, and that the Church is dumb, and that they can pull off the deception without consequences.|Under attack the Church may be, but capable of being defeated, she is not; for the church is the apple of God’s eye, and nothing provokes him more to wrath than to mess with a child of God.|It is better to hang a millstone around one’s neck than to harm even a string of hair on the head of a Christian believer; for Jesus is their cushion against blows of the last days
The Christian Church is not a fellowship of pedophiles, murderers, whore mongers, lascivious and licentious persons. The Christian Church is not a communion of immoral individual who have the institution of marriage and family under siege. The crusaders are not Christians. Hitler was not a Christian. Christian never had a part in genocide, inquisitions and the holocaust. Christian never laid put forth hand in violence against any human being. Christian never molested children’s, or persecuted Jews, or burned individuals at the stake. History tells us the fellowship of many religious communions were founders by murderers. The current day children of murderers present themselves as Christian.
Daniel prophesied, and Revelations confirms, that after America defeats Iran, the USA as a system of efficient governing institutions will be desolved. Thus say the LORD: “when the USA jets destroy Iran, the USA will be broken up. The truth is the declaration of Jesus Christ, which he gave to the apostles, and that which they devotedly preached to the devotees of Jesus of Nazareth. The truth is the 10 commandments, and the testament of Jesus Christ. The truth is: Jesus is the incarnation of the Ten Commandments. Popular Christianity is the depth of Satan. The depth of Satan seeks to rip out of the Christian thought the righteousness of the 10 commandments and replace it with the doctrine and wicked imaginations of men. Jesus of Nazareth is the master exegete of the 10 commandments. The meaning and interpretation when he gave to the 10 commandments bodily, led him to call men to repentance and faith in his divinity. Jesus called all men to believe and place their trust in him, as the only way to escape the days of vengeance. He is the image of the invisible God. He is the fullness of the Godhead bodily. Jesus is not against the 10 commandments. Jesus does not discharge the 10 commandments because; the 10 commandments is a expectation about Jesus
The Christian Church does not have religious subdivisions. There is not a classification for the Baptist; another for the Mormons; another for the Pentecostals; another for the Methodist, and another for all the other groups. Christian Church subdivisions are an antinomy. Subdivisions of the Christian Church are by it’s very nature, attempts to rebrand the Revelation of Jesus Christ, and spawn themselves off as Christian. The religious subdivisions should call themselves exactly what they are. They are knocks off of the Christian Church. Subdivisions are not the real thing. They are not the Christian Church. Jesus told the five (5) of the Seven Churches, that if they refused to fully conduct themselves in accordance with His Revelation, that he would void and take away their blessing of being a Christian Community. This ranged from tolerating a doctrine of prosperity; to allowing the government or people influence the preaching of the Church; to tolerating women sermonizing in the Christian congregation. Jesus of Galilee, had words of chastisement for having a less than ardor passion for Christ to feeling that you were above exhibiting a strong passion for Jesus. In The Christian Church, in the absence of godly contrition, every case obscene immorality was met with expulsion from the sacred community.