Do What You Do Best – Realistic Technology Tips For Paralegals
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You may have heard so much about e-discovery in the last few years that if you see another article, webinar or seminar you might burst. You may feel overwhelmed with contact center ai and that it’s moving faster than the speed of light. You may be frustrated with those you work with, because they expect you to be educated on the latest and greatest technology tools, but when it’s time for their document review, you’re told to make multiple copies or print all the documents out!
The reality is that paralegals are expected to find a unique balance for each case, each legal team and each client. Paralegals have always been required to be flexible, creative and able to juggle many different projects. However, those traits are becoming more challenging as the management of cases becomes more complex. Here are some tips to consider while managing the balancing act as we survive the evolving practice of law.
Paralegals work in different environments. Some have a litigation support professional available to assist them with the complexities of managing electronic data; others are expected to add those responsibilities onto their existing job description; and there are those who are somewhere in between. Wherever you are on the spectrum, you should make certain that you understand the expectations placed upon you and that those you work with understand your capabilities. Your job responsibilities are varied and learning new technologies is an added expectation. Have you been relieved of other tasks with the advances of technology? Likely not! It’s okay to be an excellent paralegal and have a skill set whereby you add value and efficiencies to the management of the case, yet not necessarily be the technical processing guru. As a matter of fact, it may be that a paralegal who doesn’t have the expertise to internally electronically process productions ends up spending more time doing so – and therefore costing the client more money than if they work with an specialist who does have the expertise. Paralegals need to have a solid understanding of the capabilities of technology, but don’t need to be the expert who performs each task. If it’s more efficient to delegate these tasks in the best interest of the client because it will lower cost and time involved, then it’s your role to recognize that and surround yourself with the appropriate resources. Knowing the appropriate resources is important. Technology is becoming so complex, that specialists are evolving in all its different aspects. You may be someone who is an expert in all areas of technology, but if you’re not, stop beating yourself up. Highly qualified paralegals can manage their cases and the electronic component of them equally effectively if they understand their role and surround themselves with the appropriate resources. A simple cost benefit analysis is a good tool to help determine the best approach to a task
Despite the daily blogs and articles about electronic discovery, there is still paper in our world and in the world of our clients. Discovery, in the majority of cases, will include both. Paralegals need to help the legal team with the best management solution. Logic tells us that having our entire discovery in one place, despite its original form, is the most effective. Early on, this was done backwards. Electronic data was received and printed out. It did not take long to realize that it’s more efficient to scan to image the paper and keep the electronic data in native form, then load all of it into a litigation support database. Managing litigation documents in litigation support databases is becoming a requirement with most cases today. Paralegals need to understand the processes and have the ability to work with the legal team to ensure that these databases are established for the efficient review and management of discovery. The initial set up of a database and proper collection of documents is the most important component in a productive litigation support database. Data collections that do not capture important information at the outset will be less useful and can leave a negative feeling with those forced to work with it. Likewise, knowing when it’s appropriate to print out of the database is equally important. For example, printing deposition exhibits is appropriate. Printing boxes and boxes of documents to put in chronological order for attorney review – probably not. This leads to the next tip.