CBSE 2011 Board Exam: Syllabus, Datesheet and Result
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CBSE 2011 board exam is an important examination at the school level. A huge number of students across the country take the CBSE examination every a course in miracles. Conducting at two different levels – Class X & Class XII CBSE 2011 board exam will also see a huge number of school students taking the exam. It is important for these students to realize the importance of CBSE board exams and know how performing well in these exams would go a long way in helping and shaping the future of their careers.
Syllabus for the annual examination conducted by the Central Board of Secondary Education is taught through the classroom sessions in government and private schools. All the schools affiliated to the CBSE board are bound the exam system and need to teach the NCERT syllabus as per the guidelines specified by the board. Details for the syllabus are there of the official site of the board.
Practicing sample papers and previous years’ question papers is an important tip for faring well in the CBSE 2011 board exams. Sample papers and question papers basically help the students to gauge the exam pattern along with a fair idea about the important topics and some repeated format of questions. The exam pattern is expected to remain the same for the CBSE 2011 examination.
Results for the CBSE 2011 examination would be a high buzz event. Each year the board exam results are a time of hype and anxiety. Students are anxious about the results. With a change in the grading system things have become a little better, but in the earlier times the results season used to see a lot of unwanted happening which actually led to a change in the whole CBSE marking scheme. Still CBSE 2011 results would be important score for the board taking students as their admission would be dependent on them. Most of the undergraduate programs require the CBSE scores for admissions. So to ensure that students get admission to their desired colleges, universities and programs, they need to really work hard on the above mentioned points and score well. All the good colleges usually have their own criteria, but all of them attach some substantial weightage to the CBSE scores.
CBSE grading system is actually a relatively new system that has been introduced as a fresh leash. Results are now declared in a grade format where the students are only get a rough idea of their score. The cut throat competition for CBSE 2011 exam has been killed by putting an end to the percentage system.