Study In India: The Advantages of Indian Systems of Global Education
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India is well known for its diversity in languages,a course in miracles cultures, traditions, flora fauna, and geographical disparities. Being one of the oldest civilizations, India is acknowledged for its significant contributions to the knowledge world. Since ancient times it has proved its excellence in the field of academics. India has nourished many talents in fields like Mathematics, Physics,
Economics, Astronomy, Management and Finance over years. In ancient times many foreign travelers traveled to India to enrich their knowledge and education. Ancient university of Nalanda has its golden history of enriching scholars from several corners of the globe during the period of Buddha and Mahavir timing 6th century BC. Prudent education system has its roots back to many centuries in the history of India.
The present education system in India is mostly influenced by the British system of education. Under the influence of British colonialism the modern Indian education system has prospered with systematic approach. In the post-independence era there have been significant reforms in the Indian system of education to make the standards distinct and widely adaptable.
In 21st century independent India is roaring as an economical superpower with its fast growing economy, industrialization and globalization. There are numerous world-class educational Institutions exist in India. The standards of education are at par with the top-notched institutions of the world. Even there are institutions which are regarded as the most preferred in their respective majors.
In the mean while India has developed holistic system of education catering for the comprehensive development of an individual. From time immortal there exist an essence of emotional bonding between the student and the teacher in Indian system of education. Out of many structures of education provided in India the “Gurukul” system of education has proven its excellence over others. In the recent years this system of education is being adopted by many frontline educational institutions for attaining superior outcomes.
There are numerous vanguard institutions like Indian Institute of Technology (IIT), Indian Institute of Management (IIM), Delhi University (DU), Jawaharlal Nehru University (JNU), Symbiosis International, Xavier’s Institute, TATA Institute are present and excelling in India. They have proven their standards on the global platform.
India provides its scholars wide choices for individually preferred field of excellence. With world-class facility campus equipped with latest technologies, Indian educational establishments provide its students life time opportunity of education and curricula development. With affordable and qualitative educational system, Indian educational establishments stand apart from its competitive counterparts.