Essential IDN Poker Books For You and Me
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Improving and tweaking your IDN Poker game is a never ending process and using various resources to do so is highly recommended. No matter if you’re a rookie or an experienced player a good poker book can and most definitely will improve your skills. Here’s a summary of three excellent poker books that we recommend any and all to give a read.
SIT ‘N GO STRATEGY Book Title: Sit ‘n Go Strategy Author: Collin Moshman
Looking for some Sit ‘n Go strategy? This book is the Nuts and a major contribution to IDN Poker as there has been little literature on Sit ‘n Go tournament strategy. “Sit ‘n Go Strategy – Expert advice for beating one-table poker tournaments” is logically divided into four chapters; Low blind play, Mid blind play, High blind play and Career play.
Rather than just telling you how to play, it gives you the opportunity to make a decision about what you would most likely do in a given situation, and then the author explains what the correct decision is. The organizational structure of the book is also excellent and makes it very easy to quickly find a situation that you might want to review after an on-line Sit ‘n Go session. We highly recommend this book for intermediate to advanced players as it takes general knowledge and applies it to 1 table Sit ‘n Go tournaments.
Collin Moshman received an honors degree in theoretical math from the California Institute of Technology in 2003. He is considered to be one of the best 1 table sit ‘n go tournament players using his specific math based approach.
THE THEORY OF POKER Book Title: The Theory of Poker Author: David Sklansky
Sklansky’s The Theory of Poker has generally been regarded as a classic since its initial release and a must have on learning the fundamentals of poker. It applies a very mathematical and theoretical approach to the game for players who are interest in taking their poker game to the next level. Despite the fact that poker has changed tremendously over the 26 years this IDN Poker was written, The Theory of Poker remains as valuable today as it was back in the Eighties. It’s definitely not the easiest read for the uninformed but if you’re looking to become a good poker player, it’s a must have.
David Sklansky is a professional poker player and considered a top authority on gambling in general. He has written numerous books on poker, blackjack and gambling. Sklansky has won 3 WSOP bracelets (1982/1983) and won the “poker by the book” invitational event (2004). His 1976 book “Hold’em Poker” was the first widely available on the subject.
CARO’S BOOK OF POKER TELLS Book Title: Book of Poker Tells Author: Mike Caro
This sure is one of greatest books ever written on poker and a must read for every serious beginning and live poker player. It covers around 50 different tells of various types divided into simple categories in which Mike Caro teaches you how to generate profit from reading your opponents. Caro also lists the reliability of tells based upon how good your opponents are. You should know that skill and an understanding of poker theory and game situations are more important than spotting tells but knowing all about these tells could give you the edge you need over your opponents.