Cocaine, Sex & Partying in Britain – Are You Addicted to Cocaine?
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Cocaine, clubbing and sex. Recreational buy cocaine online users can quickly find themselves in the pit of addiction, usually realization comes too late. But it is never too late to help your friend or loved one. The choices are simple. In Britain, there is a residential rehab available that will end addiction for life.
If you or your friend are one of those people who are using cocaine recreationally it is important to know the road that you are headed down and what can happen to you. Cocaine, known by names such as Aunt Nora, Bernice, Big C, Big Flake, Blow, Bump, C, Caine, Candy, Charlie, Coca, Coke, Do a Line, Dust, Nose Candy, Mojo, Powder, Snort, Sniff, Soda, Speedball, White and Yeyo (Spanish) and many more I am sure. In London, the white powder is the cheapest it has been in years, cheaper than wine or beer according to the Home Office. Many of the posh clubs try to deter its use by eliminating flat surfaces in the bathrooms. 56% of all cocaine seizures in England are made in the capital city, London
Sex and Cocaine Abuse
Cocaine stimulates the brain’s reward system inducing an even greater feeling of pleasure than natural. Chronic cocaine use and addiction will in some cases damage the brain and other organs. An addict will continue to use cocaine even when faced with adverse consequences. This is addiction. I would say that impotence is an adverse consequence to cocaine use, this is due to reduced blood flow in the body and simply the addict thinking about using cocaine rather than anything else. Yes folks, true enough!
These are but a few of the problems you or your friends can face with cocaine use, and this is before it gets really serious!
Dependency can develop in less than 2 weeks. Some research indicates that a psychological dependency may develop after a single dose of high-potency cocaine. As the person develops a tolerance to cocaine, higher and higher doses are needed to produce the same level of euphoria. Soon, no enjoyment is possible in life without the use of this stimulant or others.
Cocaine and the party life will eventually have to end. How you end a cocaine addiction is up to you, true. The consequences of drug abuse are here in writing. Seeking help and recovery from cocaine misuse is an excellent option.
Continued cocaine abuse and addiction leads people down a road that ends tragically. In my life, I have seen victims of cocaine abuse, the hospital A & E visits, and heard firsthand tragic stories of how drug overdose victims were found by friends, family or complete strangers. You can change the story ending.