Are Doctors Now-A-Days That Efficient?
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People do have belief in God that He will cure all their diseases and solve their problems, but there are also theists who do refer to a testosterone clinic Harlingen Tx for their problems, as they believe that a Doctor is a “messiah” send by Him in order to heal the sick. Irrespective of whether the doctor was able to cure the diseased or not, they used to get that respect for having the knowledge of the disease and trying their best to help them cure it. If the person gets cured and survives, then the doctors hold the highest respect among those people; but if the ‘patient’ doesn’t make through, then, well its the will of God and nothing can be done to avoid death.
But is that the feeling of the common man today? Today, most of the doctors are considered equivalent to business-man. Not that a business-man is bad, but hey, everyone has their own profession, and a doctor’s is to help the sick, and strive to keep people healthy. But how many doctors are doing that today? Now don’t misunderstand me. There are many doctors who are faithfully doing their duties. But what about the many more others?
A person is worried to go to a doctor now-a-days because they fear they will come back with their pockets empty. They are subjected to a wide range of tests and investigations, not sure whether they actually need them or not, and if they do, they fear that their problem maybe something that may need a whole lot of medicines or that they might not live through it.
We blame people that they are too superstitious as to go a local tantric for their problems, but hey, if the health field and medical techniques are so intimidating to them, then what choice do we leave for them?
You might have heard the common phrase about some famous doctor who tells and cures all the problems of a person by “just checking their pulse”. Its no surprise that these doctors are considered the greatest. But there aren’t by far any such praises about our modern or contemporary doctors, are they? Does that mean that the doctors today are not efficient?, that they are not good doctors?
If u ask a human doctor to cure an animal, lets say a dog, what would he do? Do you think he would be able to help it just the same way as he can a human? Maybe he would have a vague idea of the condition, but he would need further knowledge to correctly diagnose it, right? Now, though this comparison might not be up-to-the-level, but today’s doctors are similar. They do not have the knowledge of ‘feeling the pulse’ that the pioneers used to have. Not just in India, where alternative methods are wide spread, but also in western countries, this knowledge is not properly imparted upon the medicos.
Students are asked to know their medical books ‘by-heart’, so that they are able to deal with any existing ‘case’ that they might encounter. A patient is nothing but a ‘CASE’ to a medico and to the teachers giving the training. Its only when we cross that barrier of so called ‘practicality’, is when we are truly able to understand a person’s problems and not just refer to him/her as a ‘case’.